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Bangladesh Paragraph :

Posted Posted by Tanvir ahmed in Comments 25 comments


Bangladesh is a small country of south Asia. It was free from Pakistan in 1971. For the liberation many people (about 30 lacks) sacrificed their lives. It has an area of about 1 lack 47 thousand 5 hundred and 70 Square kilometer. The capital city of Bangladesh is Dhaka. Almost of our country speak the Bengali language. In 1952 we gained our mother tongue. It was a glorious acquisition for us. Although Bangladesh is a small country but a large number of people lives their (about 16 core). Normally Bangladesh is independence it can be tell but actually the people of Bangladesh is not free from financial problems. We are mainly Muslims but Hindus, Buddhists and Christians also live here. Bangladesh has many age old traditions. People observe different festivals on different occasions. EID-UL-FITAR, EID-UL- AZHA, Pahela Baishakh etc are the most common traditions. Naturally Bangladesh is so beautiful. Bangladesh is a River-irrigated country. The Padma, The Meghna and The Jamuna are the main big Rivers of this country. Jute, Rice, Tea, Sugarcane, fruit, Cotton etc are the main crops of the country. Without these Bangladesh has a big Mangrove forest name’s ‘Sundarban” and a longest Sea beach name’s Cox’s Bazar. The national beast of this country is Royal Bengal Tiger. The national game of Bangladesh is Hadudu. The national bird is Doyel. The national flower is Shapla. The national fruit of the country is Jack-fruit. The shatgombuj Mosque, The Buddhist Bihar, Mahastangar etc are also visible place. By consideration whole side Bangladesh is so beautiful.  So I feel proud for my country.

Sundarban paragraph :

Posted Posted by Tanvir ahmed in Comments 24 comments


The Sundarban Mangrove forest is big the forest of Bangladesh. It covers an area of approximately 5900 sq. km. The name may have been derived from the Sundari trees that are found in Sundarbans in large numbers. It provides valuable economic resources including timber and wood, firewood and raw materials for such industries as matches, pencils and large newsprint manufacture. Honey and wax are in plenty and skins of pythons and reptiles are sought after. The forest is the abode of the Royal Bengal Tiger. The paper describes the nature and species composition of the forest, its physical and climatic aspects, economic and ecological importance to the people of Bangladesh. A suggestion is also made for multidisciplinary research on mangrove ecosystems so that exploitation and management of these valuable resources can be carried out on a sound scientific and sustained yield basis. The area is known for the eponymous Royal Bengal Tiger, as well as numerous fauna including species of birds, spotted deer, crocodiles and snakes. Additionally, the Sundarbans serves a crucial function as a protective barrier for the millions of inhabitants in and around Khulna and Mongla against the floods that result from the cyclones. Can be tell in a word Sundarban is a so helpful for us, and it is so beautiful.

Prayer for leave in absence

Posted Posted by Tanvir ahmed in Comments 0 comments

10December 2011
The principal
Technical School and Collage

Subject:  prayer for leave in absence

I bag to state that, I am a student in your school of class 9, my sister’s marriage is scheduled to be solemnized on Friday .The 10th may, 2009. In this connection I shall not be able of attend school for some day.

I there fore request you to kindly grant me leave for five days with effect from 8th may 2009.

Your most obedient pupil 
Roll: 92118
Class: 9 

Application for morning school

Posted Posted by Tanvir ahmed in Comments 1 comments

10December 2011
The principal
Technical School and Collage

Subject:  Application for morning school.

We the Student of your school beg most respectfully to state that, The summer season has already commenced. Many boys and girls come form along distance. Due to excessive /extreme it has become very difficult for us to attend the class after 12 pm.

We there for pray and hope that, you would be kind shift the class in the morning form tomorrow.

You most obedient pupil 
Class: 9, 1st shift
On be half of the student of
Technical School and Collage.

Application for a transfer certificate

Posted Posted by Tanvir ahmed in Comments 0 comments

10 December 2011
The principal
Technical School and Collage
Subject: Prayer for a transfer certificate.

Most humbly I beg to state that, I am a student of class 9 in your school. My father is a government employer. Recently, he has been transferred from sunapur to nurpur in Chittagong. I have not relative here. So it is quit impossible for me to continue my study in you school. So I need of a transfer certificate.

I there fore  pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant my application .

You most obedient pupil       
Azhar hossain
class: 9, 1st shift


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