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A Street Beggar Paragraph:

Posted Posted by Tanvir ahmed in Comments 1 comments

A Street Beggar
A street beggar is a person who begs in the street. A beggar is seen everywhere in Bangladesh. He/She is generally seen in the market place or by the side of the busy road. Various kinds of beggars are found in begging. Like some are blind, some are deaf, some are lame, and some are dumb. Again some beggars are old or young. They utter painful to attract the passers-by again. Some beggars sing songs, some recite the verses form the holy Quran some sing gazal. People give them money. Some beggars take bagging as a profession. Again some are actually need .They can’t live without begging. Begging is disreputable and it does not give anything to the society. We should discourage begging.  


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